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Is it possible to pretrain search engine with the historical data?

Yes, it is possible to train Klevu AI with your historical analytics data, please find the instructions below:

Provide your historical data in either CSV or TSV format.

We need three types of data as suggested below. If not, at least the product purchase history.

Keywords to product associations

P1 60  iPhone 8
P2 40 Sumsung Galaxy

In other words, it was 60 times the shoppers searched the term iPhone 8 and clicked on the product with ID P1. Similarly, it was 40 times the shoppers clicked on the product P2 after searching for the term Samsung Galaxy).

Product visits history

P1 200
P2 100

In other words, the product with ID P1 was visited 200 times and the product with ID P2 was visited 100 times.

Product purchase history

P1 60
P2 40

In other words, the product with ID P1 was purchased 60 times, and the product with ID P2,40 times.

If you have information on who bought what, that would be even better.

P1 5 shopperIPOrSessionId
P1 3 shopperIPOrSessionId
P1 1 shopperIPOrSessionId

Refer to sample file 'klevu_product_checkouts.csv' to pretrain search data.

If you want to pre-train "Also Bought Together" recommendations, please write to [email protected]
Please note that we need some unique identifier (Order ID) to pre-train the "Also Bought Together" data. So please provide a unique identifier along with product IDs/SKUs and the number of checkouts.

Refer to sample file 'klevu_also_bought.csv' to pretrain Recommendation data.

Please find sample files below:

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