To determine which version of the Klevu library your store is using, please log into your KMC account and check the JS Theme Version value on the Store Info page
You can check whether your Shopify theme is an older version by clicking Edit Code under the Actions dropdown for you active theme and looking under the Templates heading.
If your theme contains collection.liquid and product.liquid instead of collection.json and product.json files, then you are using a Shopify 1 theme.
Smart Search
The Smart Search integration hooks into your site’s existing search field to provide Klevu-driven quick search suggestions as your customers type, as well as adding a new search results page powered by our JavaScript library. Note that we do not offer an option to preserve your Shopify layout for search results at this time.
The Klevu app attempts to make the following changes automatically when enabling Smart Search via the Settings page. If you are installing Klevu on an unpublished theme, or encounter any errors during installation, you can follow the below instructions to ensure all the templates in your theme have been updated accordingly.
Search Results Landing Page
Create the Search Results Page
Under Online Store > Pages, create a new page with the title “Search Results” using the “Default page” Theme template
Add the following page content as HTML by clicking the View Code button and pasting the markup directly. Page Content: search-results
Ensure that the page is visible.
Template Changes
Update Your Theme Files
Within your overall theme file, we need to inject the Klevu JS library.
Add the following snippet within the <head> section of your code.
<script src="//"></script>
You will need to replace the klevuapi value in the above snippet with the JS API Key value found in your KMC account on the Store Info page.
You will also need to replace the lang value with the two-character language code for your store (for example, “EN”)
You should only add this to the template if you have not used our automatic integration, or if an error was encountered when adding this asset.
Additional Actions
Disable Native Quick Search Autocomplete
Depending on which theme you are using, you may already be outputting search suggestions in the quick search input.
Different themes will control this functionality in different ways, and your developers should be able to help you disable this either through configuration settings or template changes.
For the native Shopify Online Store 1.0 theme (Debut), the easiest way to disable these suggestions is vcia the Customize option for your Current theme (under Online Store > Themes).
This will take you to visual editor, where you should select the Theme Settings section and then deselect the “Enable product suggestions” option under Search
Smart Category Merchandising - Klevu Theme
When using Klevu Theme for the Smart Category Merchandising integration, the native Shopify collection page is replaced by our JavaScript-powered template, which injects the HTML and CSS required to display relevant products and filters to your customers.
The Klevu app attempts to make the following changes automatically when enabling Smart Category Merchandising via the Settings page, and selecting the “Use Klevu theme” option. If you are installing Klevu on an unpublished theme, or encounter any errors during installation, you can follow the below instructions to ensure all the templates in your theme have been updated accordingly.
Template Changes
Update Your Theme Files
We replace the existing collection template’s content with our own markup, containing the HTML markup into which the Klevu JavaScript will inject product listings.
You should not need to make any changes to the content of this file, though you may want to implement your own changes to better suit your site style. Your developers will be able to assist with this.
Open Templates > collection.liquid and replace the entire contents with the following
<div class='kuContainer' id='kuMainContainer'><div id='ku-search-form' class='ku-search-block-full' style='display:none;'><form action='/pages/search-results' method='get' role='search'><input type='search' name='q' id='ku-search-field' class='ku-searchfield' placeholder='Search text'><input type='button' title='Search' id='ku-search-btn' value='' class='ku-search-btn'></form></div><div class='klevu-clear-both'></div><div id='loader' style='text-align:center'><img src='' alt='Loading...'/></div><div class='kuNoRecordFound' id='kuNoRecordFound' style='display:none;'><p>No matching products found.</p></div><div class='kuProListing' id='kuProListing' style='display: none;'><div class='kuFilterHead kufilter-label' id='klevuNarrowByLabel'>Narrow By</div><div class='kuFilters' id='kuFilters'></div><div id='ku-search-filter-tags'></div><div class='kuResultList' id='kuResultListBlock'><div class='kuResultInfo'><div class='kuTotalResultsTab' id='kuTotResults'><div class='kuTabs' id='kuTabs'></div></div><div class='kuPagination' id='kuPagination1'></div><div class='kuPagination' id='kuPagination3' style='display:none;'></div><div class='kuClearBoth'></div></div><div class='kuProductContent' id='kuProductContent'><div class='kuSortHeader'><div class='kuSortingOpt'><div class='kuSortby'><label id='klevuSortLbl'>Sort by:</label><select name='kuSortby' id='kuSortby' onchange='klevu_changeSortingOptionsForLandigPage(this.value);'><option value='rel' id='klevuRelSort'>Relevance</option><option value='lth' id='klevuLthSort'>Price: Low to high</option><option value='htl' id='klevuHtlSort'>Price: High to low</option></select></div><div class='kuPerPage'><label id='klevuItemsPerPage'>Items per page:</label><select onchange='klevu_changeItemsPerPage(this.value);' id='noOfRecords1'><option>24</option><option>36</option>
<option>48</option></select></div><div class='kuView'><a class='kuGridviewBtn kuCurrent' href='#' id='gridViewBtn' onclick='setKuViewGrid()'><span class='icon-gridview'></span></a><a class='kuListviewBtn' href='#' id='listViewBtn' onclick='setKuViewList()'><span class='icon-listview'></span></a></div><div class='kuClearLeft'></div></div></div><div class='kuGridView' id='kuResultsView'></div><div class='kuBottomPagi'><div class='kuPerPage'><label id='klevuItemsPerPageFooter'>Items per page:</label><select onchange='klevu_changeItemsPerPage(this.value);' id='noOfRecords2'><option>24</option><option>36</option><option>48</option></select></div><div class='kuPagination' id='kuPagination2'></div><div class='kuClearBoth'></div></div></div><div class='kuOtherContent' id='kuOtherContent'><div class='kuSortHeader'><div class='kuSortingOpt'><div class='kuPerPage'><label id='klevuItemsPerPageCms'>Items per page:</label><select onchange='klevu_changeCmsItemsPerPage(this.value);' id='noOfRecords3'><option>24</option><option>36</option><option>48</option>
</select></div><div class='kuClearLeft'></div></div></div><div class='kuListView kuOtherContentView' id='kuOtherContentView'></div><div class='kuSortHeader'> <div class='kuSortingOpt'><div class='kuPerPage'><label id='klevuItemsPerPageCmsFooter'>Items per page:</label><select onchange='klevu_changeCmsItemsPerPage(this.value);' id='noOfRecords4'><option>24</option><option>36</option>
<option>48</option></select></div><div class='kuPagination' id='kuPagination4'></div><div class='kuClearLeft'></div></div></div></div></div><div class='kuClearBoth'></div></div></div><input id='noOfRecords' type='hidden' name='noOfRecords' value='24' /><input type='hidden' name='startPos' id='startPos' value='0'/><input type='hidden' name='totalResultsFound' id='totalResultsFound' value='0'/><input type='hidden' name='searchedKeyword' id='searchedKeyword' value=''/><input type='hidden' name='totalPages' id='totalPages' value='0'/><script type='text/javascript' src=''></script><script> var klevu_collectionProductPath = '{{ collection.url | escape }}'; </script><script>function GetURLParameter(sParam){var sPageURL = window . location . search . substring(1);var sURLVariables = sPageURL . split('&');for (var i = 0; i < sURLVariables . length; i++){var sParameterName = sURLVariables[i] . split('=');if (sParameterName[0] == sParam) { return decodeURIComponent(sParameterName[1]);}}} var q = GetURLParameter('q'); </script><script>var klevu_pageCategory;var klevuquery='';var klevucountslash;if(q==''||q==null){klevu_pageCategory='{{ collection.title | escape }}';klevucountslash=window.location.pathname.split('/').length;if(klevucountslash==4){var klevutags=window.location.pathname.split('/').pop().split('+');for(i=0;i<klevutags.length;i++){klevuquery+='tags:';klevuquery+=klevutags[i]+';;'}if(klevuquery!==''){var klevu_userLandingFilterResults=klevuquery.slice(0,-2)}}}else{klevu_pageCategory='';var attribute_key=window.location.pathname.split('/').pop();if(attribute_key=='vendors'){attribute_key='brand'}if(attribute_key=='types'){attribute_key='type'}var klevu_userLandingFilterResults=attribute_key+':'+q }</script>
Smart Category Merchandising - Preserve Shopify Theme
Integrating Smart Category Merchandising using the Preserve Shopify Theme option retains the look and feel of your own theme. While there are no frontend display changes to implement, we need to include some code to ensure the necessary analytics calls are sent to Klevu.
The Klevu app attempts to make the following changes automatically when enabling Smart Category Merchandising via the Settings page, and selecting the “Preserve Shopify theme” option. If you are installing Klevu on an unpublished theme, or encounter any errors during installation, you can follow the below instructions to ensure all the templates in your theme have been updated accordingly.
Template Changes
Create the Klevu Snippets Files
We need to create four new templates under Snippets > Add a new snippet
The first template should be called klevu-pl-analytics.liquid and contain the content found here: snippets/klevu-pl-analytics.liquid
This file contains analytics functions and the necessary JSv2 power-up calls to initiate tracking functionality.
You will need to replace some values in this file to connect to your Klevu account correctly
- First, replace all references to “your Klevu JS API Key” (klevu-1234567890 in the boilerplate code) with the JS API Key value found in your KMC account on the Store Info page.
- Second, check that the Analytics URL value in your KMC account (on the Store Info page) is one of or If it is not, please replace the analytics and analyticsCat domains with the value in KMC
Next create klevu-pl-collection.liquid using the code here: snippets/klevu-pl-collection.liquid
This template is store and send data about visited categories.
You should not need to make any changes to the content of this template.
Create klevu-pl-collection-product.liquid from the following snippet: snippets/klevu-pl-collection-product.liquid
This short JavaScript code is injected to each product card, and allows us to track which products were viewed on a page.
You should not need to make any changes to the content of this template.
Finally, create klevu-pl-product.liquid with the content here: snippets/klevu-pl-product.liquid
This snippet will be injected into a product display page in order to track product clicks.
You should not need to make any changes to the content of this template.
Update Your Theme Files
Within your main theme file, we inject the core Klevu JS library.
Add the following snippet within the <head> section of your code.
<script src="//"></script>
If any Klevu snippets are already present (ie, as a result of other integrations), do not remove these.
We add the following to the bottom of this template, so we can detect when a customer is browsing a category and send the necessary analytics calls to Klevu.
<!-- Start klevu-pl-collection -->
{% section 'klevu-pl-collection' %}
<!-- End klevu-pl-collection -->
<!-- Start klevu-pl-analytics -->
{% section 'klevu-pl-analytics' %}
<!-- End klevu-pl-analytics -->
We add the following to the bottom of this template, so we can detect when a product has been clicked on from a category page, and send the necessary analytics calls to Klevu.
{% render 'klevu-pl-product', product: product %}
{% render 'klevu-pl-analytics' %}
Example(s) in Debut: snippets/product-card-grid.liquid and snippets/product-card-list.liquid
Finally, we need to add a snippet to the file(s) responsible for rendering product cards in your category page.
Different themes use different names for these files, and there may be more than one responsible depending on the different layouts available in your theme. You can usually recognise these files when scanning the entries in the Snippets section, and looking for names containing the words “product” and “card”. Some examples used by Shopify themselves include
- Snippets > card-product.liquid
- Snippets > product-card.liquid
- Snippets > product-card-grid.liquid
- Snippets > product-card-list.liquid
Open the Templates > collection.liquid file and locate the section of code which loops over and outputs the individual products.
You may find your collection.liquid file includes other templates to handle the rendering. In which case, open the relevant template(s).
- If you see {% section '...' %}, then you need to look for the template in the Sections area
- If you see {% include ‘...' %} or {% render '...' %}, then you need to look in the Snippets area
In the native Debut theme, we see the following
{% comment %}
The contents of the collection.liquid template can be found in /sections/collection-template.liquid
{% endcomment %}
{% section 'collection-template' %}
When you have the correct template, you should find a snippet similar to
{% for product in collection.products %}
<li class="grid__item grid__item--{{}} {{ grid_item_width }}">
{% include 'product-card-grid', max_height: max_height, product: product, show_vendor: section.settings.show_vendor %}
The string after include (or render - see not above) tells us which snippet template we need to modify. In the example above, that would be Snippets > product-card-grid.liquid
In Debut, for example, you will find both product-card-grid and product-card-list used.
The variable name is the part before : product - in this case, product
Finally, we open product card template itself and add the following lines at the end of the file
<!-- Start klevu-pl-collection-product -->
{% render 'klevu-pl-collection-product', product: product %}
<!-- End klevu-pl-collection-product -->
For example, in older versions of Dawn the line should be
{% render 'klevu-pl-collection-product', product: product_card_product %}
Additional Actions
Enable Preserve Layout Service
In order to display products in the correct order, our backend services will periodically update your collection order. To do this, we need to be notified that your site’s collections should be managed in this manner.
When using the automated integration through our app, this service will be enabled or disabled automatically as applicable. If you are integrating manually, however, please contact our support team to make the required change.
For more information about this service, please see our guide here.
Smart Recommendations
The Smart Recommendations integration updates your theme to allow rendering of Klevu-powered recommendations banners configured in the Merchant Center.
Note that the following changes will not output any content to your site until you embed one or more HTML snippets (provided within the KMC) into your site. These snippets can be dropped into any template, and will not render output unless the steps below are in place.
The Klevu app attempts to make the following changes automatically when enabling Smart Search via the Settings page. If you are installing Klevu on an unpublished theme, or encounter any errors during installation, you can follow the below instructions to ensure all the templates in your theme have been updated accordingly.
Template Changes
Create the Klevu Snippets Files
We need to create two new templates under Snippets > Add a new snippet.
The first template we create should be called klevu-add-to-cart.liquid and contain the content found here: snippets/klevu-add-to-cart.liquid
This file will ensure that the JavaScript functionality required for Add To Cart buttons in your search results works as expected.
You should not need to make any changes to the content of this template.
Next we create the klevu-metadata.liquid file using the content here: snippets/klevu-metadata.liquid
This file will output some JavaScript variables on different pages which are used to provide context when generating recommendations results.
You should not need to make any changes to the content of this template.
Finally, create the klevu-recommendations.liquid file from the content here: snippets/klevu-recommendations.liquid
This file will power-up the recommendations module, which retrieves and renders your banners.
You will need to replace some values in this file
- Replace all references to “your Klevu JS API Key” (klevu-1234567890 in the boilerplate code) with the JS API Key value found in your KMC account on the Store Info page.
If you need to make any customisations to your quick search or search results page behaviour, this should be included in this file.
A reference to some common changes can be found in this guide.
Update Your Theme Files
Within your overall theme file, we need to inject both the Klevu JS Library and include the templates created above. In Layout > theme.liquid, add the following code immediately before the closing </head> tag (included for reference)
<script src="//"></script>
<!-- Start klevu-snippets DO NOT EDIT -->
{% include 'klevu-add-to-cart' %}
{% include 'klevu-metadata' %}
{% include 'klevu-recommendations' %}
<!-- End klevu-snippets DO NOT EDIT -->
If any other Klevu snippets are present (ie, as a result of other integrations), do not remove these, but ensure you do not include the same snippet multiple times.
Additional Actions
Embed Your Recommendations Banners
First locate the embed code from KMC, which can be found under Recommendations > Recommendations and clicking on the “code” icon. This will provide an HTML snippet in the form
<div class="klevu-recs" id="ABC-123"></div>
<div class="klevu-recs" klevu-data-id="ABC-123"></div>
You can then inject this snippet anywhere that HTML is permitted in your store, including theme templates; pages; or product description (remember to switch to code view first).