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Customize No Result Found

Klevu provides two options for customizing the content for No Result found.

  1. Using URL Redirect You can create a page with the content that you want to show to the users and then set a redirect to this page when no results are found.
  2. Changing the message You can change the Please try another search term… text to some other text.

Follow the steps below to customize the content.

  1. Login into Magento Admin panel
  2. Go to System → Configuration
  3. Go to General → Design → HTML Head → Miscellaneous Scripts
  4. For URL RedirectAdd the following script. Please make sure to provide the correct URL of a page.
    // URL Redirect script
    var klevu_noResultsFoundUrl = 'url of the page';
    For Changing the messageAdd the following script.
    //Change message script
    var klevu_noRecordsFoundCaption = 'a message to show';
  5. Click on Save Config
  6. Clear Magento cache

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