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Catalog / Product Browser

The Product Browser allows you to view your product catalog data that has been indexed with Klevu. It gives you a comprehensive list of all products and attributes that have been synced with Klevu.

To access the Product / Catalog Browser,

  1. Login to Klevu Merchant Center using the valid login credentials
  2. Select the store (from the top right) for which you would like to see product catalog data
  3. Navigate to Catalog & SyncProduct Browser.

The table on this screen will list all the products that have been indexed & synced with Klevu.

Table Settings

By default, all products (including every variant) will be listed in the table. You can then change your view as you desire. You will be able to:

  1. Search Products
    Use the Search Box to search for products. The search will take into consideration all product attributes.
  2. Set Product Visibility
    Use the EYE button to set visibility such as Group Variants or Include Out of Stock Products in the table.
  3. Manage Table Columns
    Use the COLUMNS button to select which columns you’d like to view in the table. Note that you can select up to 10 columns.
  4. Filter Products
    Use the FUNNEL button to Filter products by product attributes. Note that you can only filter products by attributes that are indexed as facets/filters.

Product Details & Attributes

Click on a product name or view button to view all attributes of the product. You can search for attributes as well.


How often does data in Product Browser update?

Product Data in the product catalog browser will update as Klevu regularly indexes and sync product data. If you have updated you product catalog recently and you perform an On-Demand sync, the catalog data should update when the sync completes.

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