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Recommendation banner

First, log in to the Klevu Merchant Centre and click on the “Smart Recommendations” tab. Here you will see analytics for any existing banners you have already created, but since this is your first one, head straight over to the “Recommendations” section on the left.

Click on “Create New” to start the process.

1. Page Types

The first choice to make is which page of your website this banner will appear on. The reason for this selection is the recommendation banner can have different contexts depending on where you display it.

For example, a “Newest Arrivals” banner on the homepage would pull products from your entire catalog, whereas the same “Newest Arrivals” banner on a Jackets category page would filter the results to just that category, giving your customers an instant insight into the newest Jackets on the store. 

Choose your page and click on “Continue”.

Once you've selected the page type, enter the spot name. This spot name can be a descriptive identifier for the page and the position where you intend to display the recommendation banner.

It's important to note that this spot name is for internal use only and helps you organize the banner placements effectively for your store.

2. Design

The next section deals with how your recommendation banner will look as it is presented to your customers. You can choose a title for your banner and select a template.

You can create and design multiple templates. Click here for detailed instructions.  

Click on “Continue” to proceed.

3. Scheduling

If you wish to set up recommendations at different schedules, each operating at different duration, you can set up scheduling. For each schedule, you can set a different logic, product filtering or even set up segmentation. To know more, please read this article.

4. Audience

In this step, you can select if you wish to create a single recommendation banner for all your shoppers, or if you wish set separate strategies for different shopper segments.

  • Everyone: By choosing this option, your recommendation strategy will be applied to all visitors to your website. It offers a uniform approach for all users.
  • By Segments: Select this option to apply different recommendation logic based on shoppers' segments. Utilize the Connector to fetch your shoppers' segments and customize the recommendations for each segment, delivering a personalized shopping experience. For more information on the prerequisites and detailed configuration steps for the By Segment option, please refer to this article.
This functionality is currently available through the Klaviyo connector.

After selecting Audience click on the “Continue” button.

5. Logic

This screen covers the following:

  • Type of recommendation banner (logic to display the recommendation)
  • Title of the recommendation banner which you would like to showcase on storefront
  • Additional options for fine-tuning the banner configuration
  • Product Filtering

Type of Recommendation Banner

In the Logic selection option, it will show you the type of logic available for the selected page type. Note that not all recommendation types are available for every page.

For example, it doesn’t make sense to show a “Customers Also Viewed” banner on your homepage, whereas it does make sense to include that banner on a product detail page.

Below is a description of each of the recommendation types available.

Recommendation Type

Page Type

How does it work?

All Pages

Recommend the most popular products, based on customer clicks & purchases, across the store.

All Pages

As per “Trending Products”, however, Klevu uses the recent interactions of the current customer to make one-to-one personalized recommendations that will be of particular interest to that specific customer.

This logic type requires a Personalisation Klevu add-on. It will only be available to customers on plan Premium+ and above.

All Pages

Recommend products that have been recently added to the store.

  • New In
  • Just In
  • Check out our latest arrivals
  • etc
Product Page

Recommend products that other shoppers viewed, after viewing the current product.

Product Page

Recommends products that have common features as the current product.

Product Page
  • On a product page, recommend products that other customers bought along with the product currently being viewed.
  • On a cart/checkout page, recommend products that other customers bought, based on the items added to the customer’s cart.
All Pages

Create your own logic by filtering products using product attributes. Best use on product and category pages to cross and upsell products. Using custom logic requires you to use advanced filtering. Learn more about using custom logic.

All Pages

Recommend products that have been hand-picked, manually by the merchant.

All Pages

Recommend products that have been recently viewed by the customer.

Once you have made a selection for recommendation logic, click on “Continue.

Depending on your choice, there may be one or more additional steps presented to you so you can configure your selection. For example, with “Hand-Picked Products” you will be asked to select the products you would like customers to see in this banner.

Title of Recommendation Banner
You can provide the heading for the recommendation banner that you wish to display on your website for visitors to see.

Additional Settings
After defining the Recommendation Type and Title, you will see a final configuration screen where you can further fine-tune your banner. The settings displayed here may vary depending on the selection you have made, so please read the inline descriptions and make your selections.

Click on “Save” to complete the configuration of your banner.

Product Filtering
Recommending products becomes more effective with Product Filtering, enabling the refinement of recommendations through the definition of attribute-level dynamic conditions and product pinning/exclusions.

For more information on Product Filtering, click here.

Image Banner
Elevate your recommendation strategy with the ability to display banner images within recommendations, targeting specific audiences based on different conditions. Extend this feature to showcase image banners across all website pages for a seamless user experience.

For more information on image banner, click here.

6. Integration

The final screen you will see is the integration tab. You will be presented with a small HTML snippet that looks something like this:

<div class="klevu-recs" klevu-data-id="ABC-123"></div>

ABC-123 is the unique identifier for your banner. All you need to do now (provided you have already completed the one-time prerequisite steps) is copy this snippet wherever you would like it to appear in your store. This does involve minor modifications to your website source code, so you may prefer to have your front-end developer handle this task for you. We have provided instructions for the most common platforms. 

You will also notice we provide an on/off switch for the banner. This means that once you have integrated the code for the banner into your store, you can control whether the Recommendation banner appears or not from within Klevu Merchant Center.

Once you have configured a banner and have it positioned where you want it in your website, you can continue to make certain changes to the banner from Klevu Merchant Center, eg. update the hand-picked products, and when you click on “Save” those changes will be immediately applied to your website.

However, once a banner is saved you can no longer modify the Page Type and Recommendation Logic, due to the analytics segmentation. If you need another type or logic, please create a new banner.

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