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Change of Base URL

If you are planning to migrate your servers from staging to live by changing the base URL in Magento Admin Panel (i.e. from System → Configuration → General → Web → Unsecure Or Secure), follow the steps below to migrate Klevu Search from staging to live.

  1. Login into Klevu Merchant Center ( with the registered email id and password.
  2. Choose the appropriate store from the drop down.

  3. Go to Catalog Sync → Base URL(s).  Here, you may see the base URL of the staging store (For example, 

  4. Change the base URL of staging store (Example: to the base URL of production store (Example: As long as your records (e.g. product, category, CMS page etc) have one of the base URLs provided here, the records will be indexed by Klevu.
  5. Click on Save Changes button.
  6. If you made any changes to the base URL(s) here, the interface will present you an option to remove any old records which contain old base URL(s). Select the appropriate option and click on the Continue button. 

  7. In Magento Admin Panel, Go to System → Configuration
  8. Go to Klevu → Search Configuration
  9. Find Data Sync Settings panel
  10. Choose the option All Data   

  11. Click on the Sync Data button
  12. Execute your cron.php

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