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No Results Found Personalization

This feature is available as part of Premium, Premium+, or Enterprise plan.

By default, Klevu shows "Please try another search term" when there is no result found for the searched term. Here, you can customize the message along with popular products and keywords to show when no results are found.

Follow the steps below to customize the "no result found".

  1. For Shopify and BigCommerce:
    Login into Store Admin Panel → Apps → Klevu Search
    For Magento and other platforms:
    Login into Klevu Merchant Center ( with the registered email id and password
  2. Choose the appropriate store from the drop-down at the top
  3. Go to Customizations → No Results Found Personalization 
  4. Here, you can see the option to change the "No result found" message, to add the banner ads, to show the popular products and keywords when "No results found"
    • Messages:
      • Common message: This message will be displayed on any search terms/keywords when there are no results found. Here, you can use the {searchTerm} tag anywhere in the message and it will be automatically replaced with the searched term for which Klevu couldn't find the results. Example: We're sorry, no results found for {searchTerm}
      • Keyword specific message: Here, you can add keyword specific message when "No results found". You are allowed to add up to 5 different messages on different keywords. If you want to show the same message for more than one keyword, use a comma as a separator
    • Banner Ads: Banner Ad is used for promotions in the quick search (search-as-you-type) and on the search results page when "No results found". Click on Add Banner to add the new banner. You can add up to 5 keyword-specific banners.
      • Image URL: Klevu offers support for two types of image banners:
        1. Desktop-specific image banner

          Recommended Desktop Image Dimensions: 1100px X 265px

        2. Mobile-specific image banner 

          Recommended Mobile Image Dimensions: 375px X 115px

          Develop device specific image(s);upload it to your server and provide desktop or mobile banner image URLs.

      • Target URL: Provide the URL of the page where customers should be taken when they click on the banner
      • Show this banner on: Select at least one of the options,
        • Quick search: Banner will be displayed on the quick search UI
        • Search results page: Banner will be displayed on the search results page
      • Show this banner for: select one of the options,
        • Any search term: Banner will be displayed as default for any search term.
        • Specific search terms: Here, you can associate search terms with the banner. It will be displayed only for the given search terms. For more than one search term, use comma (,) as a separator.
      • Click on Add button
    • Show popular products: To show the popular products when "No results found", check the "Show popular products" box. Klevu will display popular products considering recent search terms of the user when there is no product to be displayed for the searched term. If the user has not searched anything earlier then it will display the most popular products of the store
    • Show popular keywords: To show the popular keywords when "No results found", check the "Show popular keywords" box
  5. Click on the Save button

If mobile image is not provided, then desktop image banner will be displayed on mobile devices.

Important notes:

  • Changes on this screen will be applied to the quick search and Klevu based search results page.
  • If you have already modified the look and feel of the search UI, you may also need to change the CSS of "no results found" to match it with the modified look and feel of the search UI.

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