Using the Export Data feature, one can export the search statistics data of up to last 365 days.
Plan | Export Data Limit |
Premium | Last 120 Days |
Premium+ | Last 365 Days |
Enterprise | Last 365 Days |
To export the search statistics data, click on the "Export Data" button on the dashboard.
Select the type of data, date range, and enter an email id where you would like to receive the link for the exported search statistics data.
Once the exporting process is completed, you will receive a link to the respective zip file in your email. The zip file will have .tsv (tab separated value) file(s) of search statistics data. Note: To open a file with the .tsv extension in MS Excel, please follow the steps below:
- Extract the .zip file
- Open MS Excel and go to File → Open
- Select the. tsv file to open
- You should see the text import wizard
This is a ‘delimited’ file type, Excel should choose that by default anyway. If you click ‘next’ straight away then it will work, but you might find that non-English characters like ü get a bit mangled. To get a better result change the ‘File origin’ to Unicode (UTF-8).
- Choose Tab as delimiter and click on Next
- Click on Finish
Also, if the exported search statistics data file is large in size, you may want to open the file using UNIX utilities such as "less" or using "type" command on WINDOWS as shown below:
less <filename>
type <filename> | more