Color Swatches are used for displaying product variant swatches below the product thumbnails on the search landing page and category pages. On the hover of a swatch, the respective variant image is shown in place of the product thumbnail. The variant options with the type "Swatches" are the only ones Klevu considers when fetching swatch data (see screenshot below for reference).
This feature is available as part of Growth and the above plans.
How to enable the Color Swatches?
- Firstly, go to BigCommerce Admin → Apps → Klevu Search → Settings → DO YOU WANT TO INDEX COLOR SWATCH DATA? and set this to Yes.
- Perform the On-demand synchronization. Go to BigCommerce Admin → Apps → Klevu Search → Go To Klevu Merchant Center → Catalog Sync → On-demand Sync → Sync Now
- Enable the feature from Klevu Merchant Center
- Go to BigCommerce Admin → Apps → Klevu Search → Go To Klevu Merchant Center
- Go to Customizations→ Color Swatches & Image Rollover
- Check the "Enable Color Swatches" box
- Click on the Save button.
- You are done. Color Swatches should be visible on the store frontend.