This content contains older information from our previous Javascript library. Please visit the link if you have implemented Klevu with the latest template JS.
We require any customers to install the Klevu integration on a test or staging environment first, in order to mitigate any issues in your live web store.
Installation steps:
If the Klevu Search app is not yet installed, please follow the installation steps given on this link.
Steps for manual template integration (with BLUEPRINT theme):
- Go to the Klevu Search App → Integrate page.
- Go to Manual Template Integration and click on the View Instructions button.
- Copy the JavaScript and keep it somewhere for later use.
- Go to Storefront → My Themes.
- Click Edit HTML/CSS for the current theme.
- Here, open Panels/Footer.html file in theme editor.
- Insert the script (copied in Step 3) at the end of the file and click on the Save button.
- Use the left sidebar panel to locate the search.html in the template files. Open the file.
- Download the attached Zip file to integrate the Klevu search results page.
- Extract file and open Bigcommerce-Search.html file in your notepad.
- Replace the following lines of code in the search.html template with all the content of Bigcommerce-Search.html.
%%Panel.SearchPageHeader%% %%Panel.SearchPage%%
- Click on the Save button.
- You are done. Klevu search should be live on your store. It will take few minutes to sync all the products with Klevu. (If you have 1,000 SKUs the sync should take around 5 minutes. If you have 10,000 SKUs then it should take around 30-45 minutes.)
Multi-Currency / Customer Group / Price List Support
- Follow this link to enable multi-currency / customer group/price list support in search results.