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Access for Multiple Users

  1. Login to the Klevu Merchant Center account.
  2. Click on Settings at the top right corner of the screen
  3. If you are the owner of the Klevu Merchant Center, click on User Management from the App Setting.
  4. Click on Add New User
  5. Enter the email address who you wish to invite, and select the permissions to assign the required access.
    Add New StoresUser will be able to create & manage new store.
    Manage Billing & Subscription

    User will be able to view & manage:

    • Subscription & Billing Details
    • Invoices
    • Payment Methods
  6. Choose which stores should the invited user have access to. 
    1. You can give all stores access to the invited user. When you choose this option, the invited user will have access to any new store added in the future.
    2. Optionally, you can also assign specific stores using the Specific Stores option.   
  7. After selecting the store access. Click on the Invite option.

Note: If you update store access for a user, the change will go in effect after the user re-logs in.

Invited users

The invited users will receive an email to accept the invitation. The link to accept the invitation is valid for 7 days. To gain KMC account access, click on the Accept Invitation

  1. Fill up the required information
  2. Click on Accept Invitation

  3. Login into the Klevu Merchant Center account with your new credentials.

Invitation status

In the following table are examples of the different statuses you’ll see on your User Management screen.

Active UsersThe user has access to KMC.
Invited UsersThe user has been invited, and an email invitation has been sent to them. After they accept the invite, their status will change to Active.
Invited Users - ExpiredThe user has been invited and added to KMC, but the email invitation has been expired. You can resend an invite so they can complete setting up their account.

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