Version 3.x - Compatible with Magento 2.3+
There are two methods to install the Klevu Search extension:
1. Via Composer (recommended):
For Magento 2.3, you will also require the klevu/module-mysqlcompat module if it is not already specified in your composer.json. Prior to 3.1.1 this was a composer dependency in the klevu/module-search module. It has been removed now that Magento 2.3 is EOL. This is not required for Magento 2.4
composer require klevu/module-mysqlcompat
If the website is using Inventory Management (aka MSI), please execute the below composer command to install Klevu MSI compatible module.
composer require klevu/module-msi
Then for all Magento versions, use the following command to upgrade the Klevu extension to the latest version:
composer update "klevu/*"
2. Via Manual Download:
Version 2.x - Compatible with Magento 2.1+
There are two methods to install the Klevu Search extension:
1. Via Composer (recommended):
For Magento Framework version 2.4+, before running composer update, please modify your project composer.json to remove the module we've introduced for backward compatibility. Do not add this 'replace' for Magento 2.3 or lower.
"require": {
"replace": {
"klevu/module-mysqlcompat": "*"
If the website is using Inventory Management (aka MSI), please execute the below composer command to install Klevu MSI compatible module.
composer require klevu/module-msi
Then for all Magento versions, use the following command to upgrade the Klevu extension to the latest version:
composer update "klevu/*"
"repositories": [
"type": "composer",
"url": "",
"exclude": ["klevu/*"]
2. Via Manual Download: