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Analytics Overview

Smart Recommendation Analytics will show you a measure of how your recommendation banners are performing. It provides you insights on banner impressions, product views, clicks, conversion rate, and sales. 

You can use these data-driven insights to create effective and personalized product recommendation strategies to engage customers, and increase conversions.

In Analytics, you can 

  • Check the Total of Banner Impressions, Product Impressions, Product Clicks, and Sales across all the pages.
  • You can filter by a specific page type. This will show you recommendation analytics just for that page type.
  • Analyze the performance of each recommendation banner to see its metrics.
  • You can also apply a date filter to see analytics data for a specified time period. Please note that the default time period is Last 7 Days.
  • You can use this data to create and strategize your recommendations, and identify pages where recommendations are performing best.
  • Please note that, if you have added 1 Klevu recommendation banner to your home  and 2 banners on product pages, then when a shopper visits your home page and views a product page, a total of 3 impressions will be considered.

The following metrics are shown in the Analytics of Smart Recommendation:


What does it show for the Selected Date Range?

Banner Impressions

This represents the total number of times your recommendation banners were rendered in your store.

Product Impressions

This represents the Total number of products that were recommended within a banner that was rendered on your store.

Product Clicks

The number of received clicks on any product within the banner.

CTR (Click Through Rate)

Click-through rate is the percentage of banner impressions which resulted in a product click from the respective banner.

CR (Conversion Rate)

Percentage of product clicks which resulted in a transaction from the respective banner.


The total amount of sales generated from the respective banner. Please note the shipping charges, refunds, and cancellations are not counted in the total sales figure.

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