- Login into Magento Admin Panel
- Go to System → Configuration → Klevu Searchand choose your store view
- In the Product Attribute Settings panel click on the "Configure Product Boosting Rules"button
- The above step will open Klevu Product Boosting Manager. Click on the "Add New Rule"button to start adding product boosting rules
- Rule Information Add a rule name and some description for your rule. Select status as Active
- Conditions Select category/attributes for which you want to boost all products in search results
- Actions Enter a boost value between 1 and 999. If a product satisfies all the conditions specified here, the boosting score specified here will be assigned to the product
- Click on the Save Rule button to save the rule
- Go back to System → Configuration → Klevu Search. Select your store view and go to the Product Attribute Settings panel
- Select Apply Product Boosting Rules for the Boosting Attribute option
- Click on the Save Config button
Having setup one or more product promotion rules, you can now synchronize all products to the Klevu servers.