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Product Level Boosting

When a set of products are returned in a response to a customer query, the ones with higher manual boosting are ranked higher vs. those with no manual boosting or lower manual boosting. Follow the steps below to boost individual products:

  1. For Shopify and BigCommerce: Login into Store Admin Panel → Apps → Klevu Search For Magento and other platforms: Login into Klevu Merchant Center ( with the registered email id and password
  2. Choose the appropriate store from the drop down and Click on the Promotions tab
  3. Click on the Product Level Boosting tab  
  4. By default, it shows the list of products and boosting scores of the products. Klevu maintains 3 different boosting scores for every product.
    • Product Level Score (PLS): Default value 1.0
    • Rule-based Merchandising Score (RMS): Default value 1.0
    • Self-learning Score (SLS): Default value 0.0
  5. The Applied Boosting Score is calculated based on the following equation.
    For Boosting
    For De-boosting
  6. Here, you can apply the Product Level Boosting score. Search for the product that you want to boost and assign a boosting score. You can assign a boosting score (an integer value) between 1 and 999 where 999 is the highest one. By default, every product has a boosting score of 1.0. To de-boost or demote a product, use the boosting score between -1 and -999, where -999 is the maximum de-boost (demotion). 
  7. Click on the Save button

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