When a set of products are returned in a response to a customer query, the ones with higher manual boosting are ranked higher vs. those with no manual boosting or lower manual boosting. Follow the steps below to boost individual products:
- For Shopify and BigCommerce: Login into Store Admin Panel → Apps → Klevu Search For Magento and other platforms: Login into Klevu Merchant Center (https://box.klevu.com) with the registered email id and password
- Choose the appropriate store from the drop down and Click on the Promotions tab
- Click on the Product Level Boosting tab
- By default, it shows the list of products and boosting scores of the products. Klevu maintains 3 different boosting scores for every product.
- Product Level Score (PLS): Default value 1.0
- Rule-based Merchandising Score (RMS): Default value 1.0
- Self-learning Score (SLS): Default value 0.0
- The Applied Boosting Score is calculated based on the following equation.For BoostingFor De-boosting
- Here, you can apply the Product Level Boosting score. Search for the product that you want to boost and assign a boosting score. You can assign a boosting score (an integer value) between 1 and 999 where 999 is the highest one. By default, every product has a boosting score of 1.0. To de-boost or demote a product, use the boosting score between -1 and -999, where -999 is the maximum de-boost (demotion).
- Click on the Save button