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Display Product Rating & Count and considering it in Klevu AI

Displaying Rating & Count on Product Cards

Use the below setting, if you wish to show rating stars and count on Quick Search, Search Results Page, and Category Pages.

  1. Login to Klevu Merchant Center using the valid login credentials
  2. Choose the appropriate store from the drop-down at the top.

  3. Go to the Store Settings → Ratings tab.

  4. To show the rating on the Quick Search, select the "Show product ratings on quick search" checkbox.

    1. if you wish to also show the reviews & rating count, select “Show rating count next to rating stars”.
  5. To show the rating on the Search Results Page, select the "Show product ratings on search results page" checkbox.
  6. To show the rating on the Category Pages, Check the "Show product ratings on Category pages" box.
    Please note, that this option is only applicable when Smart Category Merchandising is enabled.

    1. if you wish to also show total reviews & rating count, select “Show rating count next to rating stars”.
  7. Click on the Save button.

Consider Rating Data for Klevu AI/ML Self-Learning

To consider rating information for Klevu AI/ML Self-Learning, check the "Consider ratings in self-learning score" box as shown below.

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